All products listed here are sold as standard CDs or DVDs media platform and are available through the Reading Room and at our events. Thank you!
DVD Seminars
Healing Relationships: $15.00
In this introductory seminar Cindy will address one of the most important questions we may ask ourselves: "What do you need heal from?" She will then go on and speak of the importance of communication on a conscious level as well as a meta-conscious level. She will then begin to explore the concepts that bring peace in our relationships with ourselves & others.

Contacting Your Guardian Angel: $15.00
In this seminar Cindy explains how connecting to your Guardians can bring peace and clarity into your life. Higher wisdom and invaluable guidance comes from contacting your Guardians and learning how to communicate with them. They are there to help you, guide you, comfort you and empower you.

Develop Your Psychic Abilities: $15.00
Many of us have been taught that only a limited few have been gifted with Psychic Abilities. It is our belief that we all have Psychic Abilities. We live in a time when so many souls are becoming increasingly interested in understanding & developing their own Psychic Abilities. In this introductorily seminar Cindy addresses the myths and explains how tapping into your own psychic ability can give you an edge in all situations. She will also touch upon the meaning of Higher Self and Lower Self. Understanding how to receive psychic information. Self preparation for giving a reading. Achieving a relaxed state.

The Art of Meditation: $15.00
In this seminar we will look at the many benefits of meditation. Then we will go on and explore some ways to begin to develop this art. This is a simple, yet effective introduction to this age old philosophy.

The Power of Prayer: $15.00
In this seminar Cindy will address some of the myths around prayer. You will begin to understand the awesome power in this type of communication. Prayer is not reserved for Little Old Ladies in Church on Sundays any more that it is reserved for the weak minded. Find out more about this type of communication and why it works.

Is There Life After Death?: $15.00
There can be times when we are faced with tremendous grief through the loss of a loved one. The feelings and emotions can be very overwhelming. We see the ones we love most, seemingly being taken away from us and it can be difficult to accept and understand this. We ask ourselves questions that appear to have no answers. "What has happened to my loved one? Why has this happened?"

Discover your Life's Purposes: $15.00
Understanding how to truly Live with Joy. There are a set of Universal Laws that when put into action will positively bring you joy. In this intro seminar Cindy will endeavor to share with you these age old philosophies that make up the Universal Concepts that are this Law. We believe that our Life's Purpose /Work are one in the same. WE also believe that our Life Purpose can be found...

Laws of Prosperity: $15.00
Do you know that you do not need to live in Lack? Spiritually, emotionally or financially? True Prosperity is your birthright! Come and explore the Universal Laws of Prosperity and achieve optimum levels of health, happiness and financial security. Slowly learn how and why the masters before us applied these laws to their life. This is very progressive understanding of the Laws, you won't want to miss them.

Journey of the Soul: $15.00
We all have a basic blue print in the journey of our lifetime. Knowing when we are on track and understanding the reasons for our choices brings a clarity which helps us stay on the path that is in our highest good. Cindy explains the discernment we need to reach to stay on our chosen paths.
9 Seminar Combo Package? $110.00
This is a comprehensive package that includes all 9 seminars.

Meditation CDs
Is There Life After Death? - A Guided Meditation: $10.00
A guided meditation with Cindy. There is one track only on this disc. We would suggest that you place yourself in a reclined, comfortable position before embarking on this meditation. Candles, incense, etc. are all good ways to relax. Once you have reached your comfort level Cindy will begin. Through her love and compassion for the human spirit you will be guided to a garden the like of which is long forgotten. Once there you will have an opportunity to make a very special connection. Please be open to whatever may transpire even if it is not as you imagined it would be. Participate in this regression as much as you are able to. The more times you do it the fuller the experience will become. May it enrich your life and please - Go in Peace.

Past Life Regression - A Guided Meditation: $10.00
A guided meditation with Cindy. There is one track only on this disc. We would ask that you lay down as you experience this regression. This is a very important component in this exercise. Candles, incense, etc. are all good ways to relax. Once this has been done, Cindy will put you into a semi-hypnotic state. If at any time you become uncomfortable know that by simply saying 'WIDE AWAKE' you can bring yourself back to full consciousness. Through Cindy's love and compassion for the human spirit you will be regressed to another lifetime you had in the past. Once the connection has been made you will have the opportunity to view yourself as another person that you once were. Please be open to whatever may transpire even if it is not as you imagined it would be. Participate in this regression as much as you are able to. The more times you do it the fuller the experience will become. May it enrich your life and please - Go in Peace.

Angels, Contacting Yours - A Guided Meditation: $10.00
Higher wisdom and invaluable guidance comes from contacting your Guardians and learning how to communicate with them. They are there to help you, guide you, comfort you and empower you.
Meditation Package: $25.00
This is a comprehensive package that includes all 3 meditation CDs.
TRILLIUM II • 179 Minnie Street, Dorchester ON Box 64 • 519-268-3123 •
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